
Greta Thunberg What Your Brand Can Learn From This Young Activist

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Brand Strategy and Marketing to build Brand Identity - CHLEAR

Most of us would wonder how the teen, Greta Thunberg environmental activist rose to popularity so quickly! We all know she is not the first climate activist with quotable speeches, but why has she risen to fame so fast?

Reason for the quick fame

One reason is her age, obviously, she is just 16. Last year in August, the Swedish teen took her activism public and conducted a school strike for “Climate” before the Swedish Parliament just before the elections.

Later in December, she continued to get global attention after her speech at the U.N. Climate Talks in Poland. Her strike impacted tens of thousands of students from around the world including Japan, Germany, The UK, and more to join her campaign #FridaysForFuture.

In a few days she was a sensation on all social media platforms because of her powerful campaigns. Her tone was right on the money that grabbed the attention of the world, creating awareness using the power of social media.

Things to learn from Greta Thunberg

1. The appropriate voice

Greta had the appropriate voice in her social campaigns; her objective needed a powerful tone which she did quite right. Having a brand voice that doesn’t match the campaign objective or the platform you are on can hamper the motto of your campaign.

2. Never ask for likes

The little girl never asked for likes in her campaigns, but still got all the engagement because of her straight-forward approach. You need to keep the matter simple and to the point. If your content reaches the right set of audience, your post will be liked, or even better shared.

3. Make people listen

Greta used the social media tool for listening, not just talking. She made people listen to her, a thing to learn for brands. Make people listen to what you want to convey, use the right language to match the social media platform you’re on.

Apart from learning how to use the social media right, we can learn other important things from the teen activist. They are:

  1. To start right away
  2. To be unique
  3. To be clear with your thoughts
  4. To be fearless
  5. To express yourself

For someone so young, Greta Thunberg, has taught us so much. She has taught us to be brave, dedicated, transparent and sincere and not to be afraid of doing things. What we assume is not the reality, most of the times. It is sometimes necessary to take a bit of risk to keep moving forward. So, express yourself, don’t limit yourself.

Today, most of us visualize of one face when we hear the phrase “climate change”, that of Greta Thunberg. And, one of the major reasons of her fame is social media. That’s what social media can do! It can make someone or something go viral within days or even minutes. Board your brand into social media today and tear down the curtain concealing your brand from users!

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